Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Resolution

I'm not usually big on resolutions, probably because I can't usually come up with anything good, or because why only commit yourself to a self-improvement idea one time a year?  I've been working on this for a few weeks now and I am going to call it my 2011 Resolution so then if somebody asks I can answer without giving some self-righteous explanation of why I don't have a New Year's resolution.  Drumrollllll......

Create less waste! Especially when it comes to food. I feel like we are always throwing away leftover this or part of that.  Recently I have lived up to this resolution in the following ways:
  • I made pumpkin bars for Thanksgiving and had purchased a large can of pumpkin puree of which the recipe only required half. I put the other half in an air tight container and made pumpkin bread with the leftovers.
  • We made mac & cheese two nights in one week (I will not disclose if it was homemade or out of the box). After night 1 we had a Tupperware of left overs, so on night #2 I mixed the leftovers into the fresh batch and voila! Extra mac & cheese without having to eat the crusty leftovers or throw them away.
I'm going to work hard at this, I'll post some new creative ways of producing less waste if I come up with any. What is your New Year's resolution?

1 comment:

  1. ummm Ma'am why did you not tell me you had a blog?! This is going to be very entertaining for me at work!

    Everyone listen to Mamma Funmeier's words...she is very wise!
