Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Kitchen Remodel 2011: The Big Reveal

Some of you probably recall The Kitchen Remodel of 2011. We shared our progress along the way. This project was not easy or clean. But before we knew it we had a blank slate. Then we started to rebuild.

I bring you the newly remodeled, fully functional, vastly improved, and energy efficient I might add, Reed Family Kitchen:

Looking from the kitchen into the dining room

Dining room

Looking from the dining room into the kitchen

The back splash and counter top

Granite sink

Window looking into garage

Door to basement, side cabinet, fridge, pantry

Door to basement, side cabinet, fridge
This picture was a bit of an after thought, not staged well (dog butt), shows the pantry
An eye test... Which do you prefer, #1 or #2?
Sometimes I forget how much I dont miss this.

Because I get to wake up to this instead!

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