This past week I was asked "What kind of cooking do you write about in your blog?" My answer:
I work full time so the reality is I do not have time to create a gourmet meal 3 times a week. That requires research, shopping, storage, and time that I don't have. My blog is focused on meals that taste good and are good for you that can be put together on an average work night. While this may not be Julia Childs' approach, I do believe there is need for these types of meals. It's all too often we'll reach for a pre-packaged meal or stop by (insert fast food place here) instead of cooking at home. I promise on this blog you will find recipes that can be prepared on a week night and still leave you time to enjoy a good work out, your family, a good book, or a movie (unless otherwise noted).
I also use this blog to share interesting experiences that make me more successful at my home duties. And occasionally I'll share a funny story to keep things lively.
As I continue to learn and read new friends' blogs I hope to branch out beyond my comfort zone and share my experiences. Hopefully we'll enjoy the journey together.