Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Cookies

I now present my Christmas cut out cookies.  When you read the ingredients you might think they sound gross.  They are 2 parts Shaull/Russell/Brunmeier family tradition, 1 part delicious and I love them!

Christmas Cookies
1 cup confectioners sugar
1/2 lb butter (room temp)
2 1/2 cup flour
1 tbsp milk
1 tsp vanilla
Stir well, roll on floured counter and cut with cookie cutters. Bake at 325* for 10-12 minutes on slightly greased cookie sheet.

Confectioners sugar
Food coloring
You kind of have to eyeball this one, if it looks too runny add more sugar, if it looks too thick add more milk. Careful, a little goes a long way.

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