My mom and dad's mantle. Next year Griffin gets a stocking too. Aww. |
This holiday season we got to spend time with all of our families and friends (this equals about a bakers dozen parties, pun intended). They were all your run of the mill gatherings with cut out cookies, adult beverages, and white elephant gift exchanges. We received some good loot including a gift card to Chow Hound (Griff's excited about this). We hosted 2 of the parties this year, Dinner Club Christmas and the Peters' family gathering (Josh's mom's side). This was great fun since we got to make use of the upgraded man cave. Plus my tree got to have lots of presents under it.
Griffin and Roxy received matching beds! Griffin laid in both and eventually wouldn't even get up. He partied pretty hard I guess. |
Both of these were heavy appetizer parties which makes it much easier on the host. We provided taco salad, cheesy potatoes, and meatballs in some combination at each of these. It is fun to be the host!
Onto the probably biggest and loudest party which was at my mom and dad's house: The Shaull Family Christmas. This was a riot! In attendance were: Grandma and Grandpa, Mom and Dad, Aunt Terri and Uncle Jim, Uncle Mark and Aunt Coleen, Courtney and Eric, Rob, Casey, Erin, Josh, and Griffin.
Griffin with Aunt Courtney and Uncle Eric. |
Let me tell you how this goes and then I will share some 2010 highlights. Typically, we all arrive at our own convenient times, happy hour and snacks begin immediately, soon we'll do our gift exchange, then eat dinner and Grandma's pies (usually pumpkin, pecan, and/or apple). Then we'll have another splash (happy hour) and enjoy each other's company watching movies or playing games. This goes on for 1-2 days. Usually not more than 2 over nights.
2010 Highlights:
My parents have a large finished basement and this year that is where we all hung out playing Poker Pool, or Pool Poker, I don't remember but it goes a little something like this. All players receive 5 playing cards. Players take turns taking 1 shot at a time attempting to drain a matching ball in the pocket. Other players may have the same card, so if you or they make a ball that matches your card you turn your card in, the first one with all 5 cards gone wins the pot! Oh yea, you have to put in $1 to play. And the lucky winner gets to wear this hat. Josh won a lot.
During these festivities Rob's girlfriend Heather came over to visit and met the whole family. I am certain this was overwhelming. To make sure she felt as comfortable as possible my Uncle Mark introduced himself as Rob's lover. Nice. This is the same uncle who introduced himself to my mom's (Pam) best friend as Pam's ex-husband and brother. Maybe you need to know him, but this is hilarious.
And, if you know us Shaull girls at all you know we love to keep a clean house. Which means having the proper tools. Which means the vacuum you use on hard floors is not the same as the vacuum you use on carpets which is not the same as the vacuum you need with attachments for corners, window sills, and so on. This year my mom received the
Hoover Flair. We got to talking about our vacuums and I admitted that some times I vacuum my vacuums. It didn't seem that weird to me. I got a few weird looks but then all the girls in the room admitted to the same activity. So we all have our quirks.
After all the holiday-ing Griffin had a very important meeting with his financial planner to discuss his investments. He is concerned about his college fund.
Here are a few more pictures I just thought it would be fun to include.
Griffin's first Christmas card. |
Pretty flowers for my mom |