Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Martha's Holiday Tips

Today I came across Martha's tips for a Stress Free Holiday. I have actually done a few of these:

  • Draw up a Budget and Gift List Before You Shop. I made a big list before I went shopping, and checked it twice. We also made a budget and are doing pretty good!
  • Tackle To Do's in Good Company. My sister-in-law and I did most of our holiday shopping together, and plan to make cookies together as long as schedules cooperate. It's not looking too good for cookie day right now though...
  • Buy Baking Staples. I purchased a few baking staples my last trip to the grocery store that was "simple" meaning I wasn't buying items for a pot-luck or dish to pass situation.
  • Create a Plan for Holiday Entertaining. I need to work on my plan for hosting Christmas Eve. I haven't quite gotten there yet.
  • Make Space in Advance: I assure you my coat closet will never look like this.

What are your stress-free holiday tricks?

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